time for tmux

Doug Grubba (@douggrubba) - Visual Chefs

tmux is a terminal multiplexer

Um, what?

Split the screen, like in your text editor.

Open multiple tabs like your browser.


			< brew install tmux

Install on windows with cygwin.


			< tmux


You now have your first "session"

"sessions" are like "tabs" in the browser

First, lets give it a name*

<control + b> + $

Names will be important when you have a dozen sessions.

Splitting the pane.

Horizontally Horizontally
<control + b> + "
<control + b> + $

Switch focus*

<control + b> arrows

Kill the Pane*

<control + b> x, y

Other fun*

Next pane
<control + b> + n
Prev pane
<control + b> + p
Rotate panes
<control + b> + <control + o>
Toggle layouts
<control + b> + spacebar

Oh no!

You are were plugging right along on your main project, but now you were asked to help out on something else.

Should you close out everything you are working on?


All is not lost, remember sessions?

<control + b> + :new


Now we have something

tmux is made for consultants

Changing gears

Time to return to your first project.

<control + b> + s



What's next?

Every day we change gears to finish our tasks on various projects.

Stop losing time and momentum, by switching your focus.

Thanks! Questions?

Doug Grubba @douggrubba

Visual Chefs